so last Monday i went out in what-my-cousin-call a "harajuku" outfit. i'm not sure why, but i guess its the white tights...?? or the layering?? cause i've never seen anyone wore white tights here, and neither had she, hence...

anyway, the dress is from one of our malls in Manila (Landmark) and is $4 ONLY!! it was sooo cheap that i got the other color as well! :) BUT the original fitting & length sucks, so i payed another $5 for alteration etc. (in my new, secret tailor :), waited for almost 2 weeks (i had 6 of my clothes altered!), and i'm totally inlove with them now!

and what's funny is, i NEVER did thought of wearing them for dinner (or something special), as i only imagined myself - flocking the beach/ spending some lazy, out-of-town holidays - with these. but since the weather suddenly became a lil' chilly (really really weird!) i tried layering, and stuffs... and hey! i think it looked okay for a Christmas dinner! :)

and just as i thought that i'd be able to go out without any of those (yeah, so so lame) logo handbags, i changed my h&m studded ones for these gucci on the last minute! (btw, i already sold the studded bag on ebay).

dress: landmark. tights: h&m. shoes: zara. layered vest: online. bag: gucci joy. pearls: sm. sorry for the clutter in my room!