Coffee and a Thought

I have been terrible about keeping up with blogging. I used to wake up with hours to spare, which I would then spend reading my favorite blogs and updating my own. Now, I wake up to a strict schedule. I'm too anxious to waver from it—between events and working at the office and finding time for the gym and walking everywhere in between, one misstep can throw off an entire day.

But I've realized that I make time for things I find important: a weekly hour of speaking French, boxing classes, going home a few times a month. So why does blogging get the short shrift? I have no idea, but I'm going to change that. If my blog were a kitten, the ASPCA would be hunting me down right now. I love blogging. I love to write about things other than holiday hair styles or the best fashion picks for the season (although I really enjoy that too).

So, in conclusion, I am back and less crazed. Stay tuned for a concerted effort and, in the meantime, here's a shopping list I put together for you.

[photo cred here]