Cello Fury - Cello Fury
2011, Cello Fury
2011, Cello Fury
Cello Fury is an eclectic collective from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Comprised of three cellos and a drummer, Cello Fury creates original progressive rock music with classical leanings. Originally a four-cello quarter called Cellofourte, Cello Fury has continued to grow with cellists Simon Cummings, Ben Munoz and Nicole Myers creating some of their most vibrant work to date for their debut album, Cello Fury.
Cello Fury opens with "Infinity Rises" with dueling cellos throwing off counter melodies and using stereo effects to maximize headphone listening. The composition is well constructed and is carried by an impulsive rhythm that sweeps you up and takes you along for the ride. Cello Fury achieves a modern rock sound that has metal in its lineage, while achieving a level of technical perfection that is surprising. "Against All Odds" features dual, lyric leads. Pretty, stark melody lines dance over a somewhat driven rock arrangement, and make for an appealing sound. "Anarchy" starts off in stoic fashion, but breaks out into a vibrant rocker with dark undertones.
"Pins And Needles" shows off Cello Fury's sense of fun in a composition that is more about artistic interpretation than anything else. "Daybreak" segues back into the edgy, vibrant modern rock feel that pervades much of the album, while "Middle Ground" aptly splits between lyric melody lines and a driving arrangement. Cello Fury creates a gorgeous, baroque essence with the fluid lines of "Silenced". The group captures the beauty within sorrow in a magical moment that sparks with the pure anima of creation. "Odyssey" is a bit more mundane, but is a solid composition based on a pop/rock progression that fills up your ears. "Down The Road" is languorous and lovely, a classical-themed composition that is lyric and pure in its sound. Cello Fury wraps up with "Shockwave", a big, vibrant closer that is frenetic in its energy.
Cello Fury invests themselves in a heavy rock sound, woven through cello strings and prog rock and classical arrangements on their self-titled debut album. Treading on musical earth shared with bands such as Break of Reality, Primitivity and The 440 Alliance, Cello Fury create compelling rock and roll with three cellos that laces together the webs of heavy metal, progressive rock and baroque styles. Cello Fury is an intriguing debut.
Rating: 3.5 Stars (Out of 5)
Learn more about Cello Fury at http://www.cellofury.com/ or www.myspace.com/cellofury. Cello Fury is available from Amazon.com as a CD or Download
The album is also available via iTunes.