I loved finally meeting the lovely faces behind the blogs I visit on a daily basis. Like these ladies:

JAX does design; Bijou and Boheme, Decor Happy, The Marion House Book
And these ones too:
and many, many others. As one of the organizers, along with Daniella and Vitania, it was fulfilling to see it all come together. The venue, swanky Hotel Le Germain, was the perfect backdrop for mingling and trading fashion tips and renovation stories over hors d'oeuvres and drinks. From the inspiring speeches from our sponsors GKHair and Delta Faucet, to the envy-inducing giveaways from House & Home, One of a Kind Show, Penny People, Interior Design Show, Style At Home, Omiyage, and Kravet Canada, and the sweet floral arrangements by Coriander Girl, it was a magical night.
I must admit I felt like the "elder stateswoman" in some ways, having been at this blogging thing longer than most of the people in the room. And in my 3+ years of blogging, I've often wondered... what's it all for? Why put myself, my house, and my family out on display? Luckily, last night I found that answer.
To me, blogging is about community and making connections with people you otherwise would never have crossed paths with. It was wonderful to hear from some bloggers that listing them in my blog roll helped drive traffic to their sites - and in the same breath, these same bloggers gave me suggestions for my basement reno. Its a give and take thing, this blogging thing, isn't it?
Like I said to Celeste from GKHair (who does have the most fabulous hair, by the way!), most of the people who blog don't blog about their 'regular' day jobs; they blog about their passions, what drives them, what they would choose to do and pursue for the rest of their days if they could. We all have that "blogging story" inside each one of us, waiting to come out. And I was so lucky to see those stories come to life, in real form, in those 60 beautiful ladies last night.

JAX Does Design, The Cinnamon Post, Decor Happy, The Marion House Book,
me, Aubrey + Lindsay. Photo courtesy of Sense and Simplicity.
I want to thank all of you who have come to visit at Rambling Renovators over the last few days or over the last few years. You make me feel supported and encouraged and inspired to do those things I love to do in life. I hope in some small way I do the same for you.