Maintop (West End), Farallon Islands, from Southeast Farallon Island, evening: photo by Duncan Wright, 2005
A friend attends
to the tides as men
are given
to be accepted by
women, as though
the receiving
and the giving
were one
thing. To rest in such
regarding love must
require great trust --
the pure soul,
and the bit of luck
it takes to float
all that you don't
yet quite know
in the greater sea of the not
yet quite
knowing it. After the storms,
the dawn will break
and clear, once more
the Common
Murres will flock
upon the rocks
and the shore.

Southeast Farallon Island and West End, Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge: photo by Jan Roletto, 2005 (NOAA)
View from Maintop over Maintop Island (Farallon Islands), north shore, with the Drunk Uncle islets and the wreck of the SS Henry Bergh: photo by Duncan Wright, 2005

Common Murre (Uria aalge) colony, Farallon Islands: photo by Duncan Wright, 2005

Common Murre (Uria aalge) colony, Farallon Islands: photo by Duncan Wright, 2005

Common Murre (Uria aalge) colony, with some of the 160,000 Common Murres of the colony nesting, Farallon Islands: photo by Duncan Wright, 2005
This post dedicated to SarahA