Can we use "No Soup For You"

Dear Rich: I work for a law firm that advertises on BART. We're preparing some new ads and we want to use the phrase NO SOUP FOR YOU (which you may recognize from a series of Seinfeld episodes). Our research shows that there are no live registrations at the USPTO for the phrase. We found a domain name using the phrase, "," which appears to be a Gainesville, Florida local restaurant web-guide. And according to the Dear Rich blog, copyright laws disfavor protection for short phrases. Are we correct to conclude that we're safe to use this phrase in our ads as long as we don't use it in connection with Seinfeld images. Absent any other Seinfeld connection in the ad, you should be good to go. Nobody appears to be exploiting "No Soup for You," as a trademark for legal services (and it's hard to imagine that anyone would). As you indicated, applications were made for restaurant services but both applicants never filed a statement of use indicating that they were actually using the mark. You are correct as to short phrase protection as well. It's possible that the Seinfeld creators could object under principles of unfair competition, arguing that your use confuses consumers as to Seinfeld's association with the law firm--a long shot that seems extremely unlikely. 
Bonus Question: Can 'Soup Nazi' be registered? Some readers may wonder if the fictional source of the phrase -- the infamous 'Soup Nazi,' can be registered as trademark. The answer is no. The USPTO won't register marks with the word 'Nazi' unless it is a historical reference that requires the term such as "VICTIMS OF NAZI PERSECUTION RESTITUTION TRUST." Otherwise, "NAZI" marks are rejected under Section 2(a) as being immoral or scandalous. 
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