dark blue wallpaper

dark blue wallpaper. Blue Abstract Wallpaper
  • Blue Abstract Wallpaper

  • gr8ful
    Jan 15, 04:23 PM
    I agree with 'CWallace', I'm pleased with what Apple released today. A few minor gripes, but pleased overall. I believe many of you are suffering from "overhype hangover".

    Had this been an unannounced unveiling of new products and software by Apple without all of the pre-hype, I think many of you would not be as harsh. But with months to hope, wish, and speculate and given the vivid imaginations of those in this forum, you were doomed to be disappointed.

    dark blue wallpaper. Handmade Dark Blue
  • Handmade Dark Blue

  • dsnort
    Aug 1, 11:47 AM
    For shawnce, I luv the movies of Bawl-mer

    dark blue wallpaper. iPhone Dark Blue wallpaper
  • iPhone Dark Blue wallpaper

  • WestonHarvey1
    Jul 21, 09:37 AM
    Show me another phone that can drop calls from just the position of one finger. Nokia have their problems at the moment, but their reception has always been rock solid.

    That only happens in extremely weak signal areas. Other phones will do that too, it just isn't as obvious where to touch it.

    dark blue wallpaper. Red Smoke Wallpaper. Dark Blue
  • Red Smoke Wallpaper. Dark Blue

  • toke lahti
    Jan 15, 06:20 PM
    Now what would really get me interested is a flat screen that displays truly black blacks.
    I also waited for ACD with led backlight.
    So which comes first ADC with led or xraid with sata disks?
    And what year?

    dark blue wallpaper. Disney Characters Dark Blue
  • Disney Characters Dark Blue

  • Cleverboy
    Jan 14, 08:23 PM
    Hey bad news is better than no news. I'd bet Gizmodo will get a few more hits out of this and maybe ces will attract some more people to see what will happen next year. It may be in the end one of the better things to have happened to this event. (Just a different way of looking at it)Wow. No. This (or anything like it) isn't something to "look forward" to next year. This was just STUPID. Yes, Gizmodo got extra traffic out of it... its what they do. I thought Leo Leporte was unreasonable for his dislike of Gizmodo, but they are now OFF my Google homepage and out of my bookmarks, and have earned a measure of disrepect for many of their readers. If they have anything more to say, I will likely never hear of it. Hopefully Engadget and other websites can make sure I get the news I would have heard from Gizmodo. I'll miss Jesus' artwork, but oh well. Plenty of other talented people out there.

    ~ CB

    dark blue wallpaper. Blue dark anime-wallpaper
  • Blue dark anime-wallpaper

  • zep1977
    Mar 24, 03:24 PM
    Time really flies.

    I remember walking into the local CompUSA and picking up my copy. They had them stuffed in the back corner along with one G4 that wasn't even working along with it's broken CD drive cover.

    Amazing how the times have changed since then.

    Looking forward to the next 10 years of the Mac OS.


    dark blue wallpaper. Windows 7 – Dark Blue desktop
  • Windows 7 – Dark Blue desktop

  • Highland
    Aug 2, 11:45 AM
    In terms of Apple's DRM however, I think you'll find that each type of DRM is a platform. Much like CDs, cassettes, and so on. I can't play vinyl in my CD player, however I can make a recording of the output, much as I can burn a CD from iTunes of iTMS purchased music.
    There's two important things here though... what you can do, and what you can do legally. Plus, any "red book" CD can be played on any CD player. And anyone who wants can make a CD. That's not the case with Fairplay (the iTunes DRM), or pretty much any DRM on the market right now.

    And Lyra... OMG. You don't seem to have any grasp of the situation and are pretty keen on making some very insulting remarks. To suggest Apple (or any other online store) drop a region just because they can't be bullied into changing their local laws to suit a large multinational company is completely insane. You're loco.

    And just so everyone knows, I'm not from the US or the EU. I'm not taking sides, and I'm not getting involved in the "my country is worth more to iTMS than yours". ;)

    As others have mentioned, these things have a tendency to act as test cases. Once one country sorts this out, others will follow.

    dark blue wallpaper. dark blue wallpaper. picture and wallpaper; picture and wallpaper. FlameofAnor. Apr 7, 11:58 PM. Explains why Apple is opening up Toys
  • dark blue wallpaper. picture and wallpaper; picture and wallpaper. FlameofAnor. Apr 7, 11:58 PM. Explains why Apple is opening up Toys

  • MacRumors
    Oct 3, 12:15 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Coming as little surprise to veteran Apple watchers, IDG World Expo announced on Tuesday that Apple CEO Steve Jobs would deliver the opening keynote address (http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/10/03/jobs/index.php) at Macworld Expo San Francisco. The expo will be held at San Francisco's Moscone Convention Center from January 8-12, with the keynote on Tuesday January 9th at 9 am Pacific at Moscone West.

    Last year's keynote brought software updates including iLife (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/01/20060110141828.shtml) and iWork (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/01/20060110142618.shtml) 06 and Mac OS X 10.4.4 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/01/20060110180240.shtml). Also, the first Intel Macs were announced 6 months early in the form of the iMac (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/01/20060110142730.shtml) and MacBook Pro (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/01/20060110142811.shtml).

    While still early, this year's expectations have already begun to gain steam, with obvious expectations of iLife (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060802125923.shtml) and iWork (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/07/20060717122553.shtml) updates as well as the formal launch of the "iTV". Also possible is Apple's long-awaited phone and similarly long-awaited "true" video iPod, although both products have seen several setbacks. Lastly, with OS 10.5 Leopard's release around the corner, Jobs will undoubtedly take the opportunity to highlight some already announced (and perhaps some remaining "top-secret") features of the new operating system.

    Digg This (http://digg.com/apple/Steve_Jobs_To_Keynote_Macworld_San_Francisco_2007)

    dark blue wallpaper. Download this wallpaper and
  • Download this wallpaper and

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 20, 07:36 PM
    thanks. things aren't quite working out right at the moment. i think i might have messed up the motherboard somehow. my homebuilt i7 just isn't working right. i'm away for work during the week, but i think this coming weekend will spent on this computer again. i might have to buy another motherboard i'm thinking though

    Ouch, I know how that is, I've had to replace things that I've broken trying to fix them; not that I would actually admit to breaking anything of course :p

    It would drive me nuts being away from my computers knowing they need worked on. I guess I'm addicted - maybe... oh, I put -advmethods in the linux machines and they took off with new wu's so all is well for now. I did lose a bigadv unit on the 17th, or 14th I can't remember, when they had a glitch in one of the servers :(

    dark blue wallpaper. wallpaper retro lue.
  • wallpaper retro lue.

  • dr_lha
    Oct 17, 09:58 AM
    Before people start quoting VHS vs Betamax, can people use actual facts rather than urban legends?

    For example: Betamax being superior to VHS is a myth, most people cannot tell the difference between the two formats. Read this excellent article:


    The real reason VHS beat Betamax is the following:

    1. VHS had longer tapes, Betamax's tapes were smaller, and Sony had difficulty coming out with larger capacity tapes. Faced with one system that's standard tapes could record 1 hour and one that could do 3 hours, most people chose the latter (VHS).

    2. Sony's tight grip on the Betamax format kept prices high and innovation low. VHS decks were cheaper and made by more manufacturers, and hence consumers had more choice.

    3. The porn industry chose VHS.

    dark blue wallpaper. Abstract dark blue background
  • Abstract dark blue background

  • 109%
    Jan 12, 04:03 AM
    What are they, 12? I thought that was disgraceful. But then again, I hate all practical jokes. There's no wit or elegance involved in any of them. I've never heard of one that wasn't the equivalent of telling someone their house had burned down with their family inside before slapping them on the back and saying, "Just kidding!"

    "I love practical jokes" is just another way of saying "I don't have the intelligence or sophistication to appreciate genuine humour, but I know how to hurt people".


    dark blue wallpaper. anime wallpaper dark. dark
  • anime wallpaper dark. dark

  • gregorsamsa
    Jan 12, 06:29 PM
    Well, if you haven't met any of these mindless droids, consider yourself lucky. I've met enough of them to be sufficiently spooked. I've got a couple of them on a forum I moderate; one has a link to Apple store in his signature and spends most of his time posting the most contrived lies about Windows you could imagine (how you cannot switch a PC on without being drowned in a barrage of viruses etc), and the rest of his time coercing PC users into switching. It's quite clear from his descriptions of Windows he hasn't touched a PC since circa 1996, and any assurances that Windows has come a long way in terms of stability and security since Win95 are met with a kind of "lalalalalalalala...." At one point he insisted that a Mac Mini G4 1.42GHz is much faster than any PC ever made. When faced with real life benchmark tests where a midrange PC blasted the Mini into oblivion, he maintained that it was due to poor knowledge of Mac optimization on the part of the developers (whom I know to be Mac enthusiasts who port the software to Windows). This is just one example, over the years I've stumbled across way too many to list here.

    It's great that people are enthusiastic about products, and most Mac users are regular joes who are just that, but it is my personal opinion that there also exists a 'Church of Apple' with 'members' who are smug, patronizing, holier-than-thou, basking in the glory of some perceived exclusivity and enlightenment, borderline brainwashed lodge brothers with a special handshake. It sickens me to no end. Again, this is merely one man's opinion, I know you wouldn't agree so let's just leave it there.

    Regarding Steve, you're darn tootin' I don't know him. Only seen him in blurry keynote webcasts.

    I consider your post to be spot on! I'm a Mac owner, but I must confess that I find most of my PC-owning friends to be refreshingly free of the type of smug, sycophantic, elitism some Mac people can't help but exhibit. Many PC owners I know wouldn't even recognize Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer, etc. if they were introduced to them in the street.

    Their sole concern is with having the best computer they can get for their individual needs, the software they can run, etc., not hero worship. Period. Some of them rate Macs quite highly. However, their view tends to be that, unless they're able to afford pro models, they're somewhat compelled to buy PCs because of graphical deficiencies in most consumer Macs.

    Steve Jobs has achieved many great things & for that he surely deserves considerable respect. Some may consider him to be a genius. But if he's a genius, surely, like many other so-called geniuses, it's very likely that he's a flawed one. I don't mean flawed personally; after all, how would I know without knowing him? I mean it in the sense that the direction that he appears to be taking Apple in isn't, IMO (& that of many others), necessarily the best one.

    That's just an opinion. I think that those who think that SJ & Apple are beyond criticism merely confirm the excellent points you've raised in your post.

    dark blue wallpaper. Download This Wallpaper
  • Download This Wallpaper

  • airforce1
    May 2, 12:23 PM

    If the people claiming this is a non issue are serious then they should all email Steve and tell him to stop addressing it.

    I think the problem here is that many on this board cannot distinguish between trolls blindly trying to stir stuff up on an Apple forum and non-trolls discussing a legitimate issue. People need to learn how to separate the two and ignore the trolls if they try to pile onto an unfavorable discussion of Apple on a particular issue.
    yes and many of these trolls spend most of their time on apple forums with pro apple views, even bias, as Jobbs said the Tech community failed to educate everyone on what he failed to provide evidence for to show they DID NOT violate privacy laws.

    Im sure apple knew they have to pay a fine, now they will just pretend with so called tech trolls on forums that they fixed this, its not over you see, when congress demands a standard on collecting data and to what extent and who then we will see all the data sheets apple is hiding from me and you, until then you and i both could be called trolls for just posting anything here, thats a opinion and propaganda (lie) though

    dark blue wallpaper. dark blue wallpaper. Dark Blue Wallpaper
  • dark blue wallpaper. Dark Blue Wallpaper

  • skunk
    Oct 11, 01:04 PM
    that's not the criteria.Nor is it the criterion.

    dark blue wallpaper. Disney Characters Dark
  • Disney Characters Dark

  • ThemacNub
    Apr 7, 06:44 AM
    About damn time too...


    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    Thats awesome

    dark blue wallpaper. Chelsea lue wallpaper
  • Chelsea lue wallpaper

  • InsanelyApple
    Apr 15, 04:51 PM
    It's more.... FABULOUS!

    Bravo, good sir/madam. Bravo. You made me laugh. *applause*

    dark blue wallpaper. Black, Blue, Candy, Dark Blue,
  • Black, Blue, Candy, Dark Blue,

  • rstansby
    Apr 15, 05:27 PM
    Is it just me, or is the writing on the 3rd photo a bit skewed, or rotated in an odd way?

    I agree.

    dark blue wallpaper. Yaoihug Dark Blue Hug picture
  • Yaoihug Dark Blue Hug picture

  • reflex
    Nov 16, 03:59 PM
    Maybe AMDs for the low end lines and Core 2 Duo for the high end? What about a Mac Mini with dual AMD X2 for less than $400 with ATI graphic? :D

    Sort of what I was thinking. A Turion x2 or maybe an upcoming dual core Sempron (the current one runs pretty cool). Might put the mini back at a $499 starting price.

    dark blue wallpaper. B Wallpaper - Dark Blue
  • B Wallpaper - Dark Blue

  • nagromme
    Aug 7, 02:24 PM
    New Intel towers could have made a good time for new displays too... but there's another good time coming up: new displays might come alongside Leopard, with higher DPI and full resolution-independent GUI?

    Meanwhile, price drops are nice :)

    Jan 8, 10:29 PM
    I want a 15'' MacBook Pro.
    2.6GHz Penryn
    1680x1050 Display
    512MB of Video Memory

    I will be happy to sell my current MBP which I bought in August for the Above mentioned computer.

    Apr 29, 07:05 PM
    When I read the subject, I got a little hopeful...when I saw the screenshot showing Spaces/Expos�, I really thought the "UI tweak" was that they'd let us use the old Spaces if we wanted to.

    Guess not, it's still that b******ized Mission Control...

    Jan 14, 04:00 PM
    Nope, Gizmodo will still be attending Mac World. $50 to all of you if they pull the same shinanigan at Mac World. They only did it because it was original and no one else has done something like they had before. :D So yep, $50 says they wont do it again.

    Oct 2, 03:01 PM
    So when will Real be dead? I have a feeling that after our inevitable nuclear war, it'll just be cockroaches, twinkies and them. At least they'll be in good company.

    Apr 22, 11:52 AM
    Excuse me if this was already suggested:

    Perhaps allow a post that receives a certain number of dislikes to be "hidden" from a general view unless someone decides to view it by clicking on a link.

    Similar to how a moderator can you a deleted post, but for the general public.