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  • R.Perez
    Apr 26, 05:17 PM
    He is a male, just like me, I can't believe you don't understand that...

    He thinks he is female which is a whole other thing


    Your ignorance related to trans issues is really showing here. I suggest you do a little research on this topic next time around.

    She is a woman plain and simple, what is or isn't between her legs does not matter one bit IMO.

    cool smiley face backgrounds. cool smiley face backgrounds. Smiley Face wink; Smiley Face wink. leekohler. Feb 28, 05:12 PM. I didn#39;t say he should get more money.
  • cool smiley face backgrounds. Smiley Face wink; Smiley Face wink. leekohler. Feb 28, 05:12 PM. I didn#39;t say he should get more money.

  • lmalave
    Oct 19, 10:44 AM
    Well my 1300 shares will become 2600 in less than an year.:D Apple will keep going up and up as long the economy does not tank.:)

    Showoff ;)

    You're basically bragging that you have $100K in Apple stock. Nice!!!! :D Your faith is being rewarded handsomely...

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  • samcraig
    May 2, 11:10 AM
    You might get your facts right, too. This has nothing to do with Data Roaming. And I have been in foreign countries enough to know this fact.

    Did you read my post?

    My point is - that if the switch to turn off Data Roaming was the one that failed, people wouldn't be divided. I think pretty much everyone would point the finger at Apple for it's failure to QA the "off switch"

    The Location Services on/off switch did not work. Period. And yet people want to make this about people not reading the EULA.

    Maybe you missed when I wrote "IF" in that sentence?

    ETA: you changed your post. The point is the same. Read above. The OS had "bugs". They are being fixed. That's important. Apple "promised" via the EULA that the location services could be turned off. It doesn't matter whether the data collected is useful or not. What matters is if they offer a way to turn it off, it should turn off. It didn't.

    The analogy is correct. Some might consider their personal data of value - just like money is.

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  • NewSc2
    Oct 3, 12:56 AM
    If this is the iPhone of houses, I guess my house is the Zune of houses. Or perhaps a 1st Gen nano . . . old, small, and ugly.

    heyy... the 1st nano still looks pretty sweet. use mine on a regular basis.

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  • UTclassof89
    Jul 21, 12:07 PM
    Umm, that's still less than 1%. That's pretty good. That would be out of 100 million calls. 99 million calls were fine.

    You seem to have missed the "... MORE than iPhone 3gs" part.

    A better antenna should drop FEWER calls (unless there's a flaw)

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  • cool smiley face backgrounds. Unintentional lol smiley face; Unintentional lol smiley face. dejo. Nov 13, 07:11 PM. And Jeff LaMarche has responded to

  • SandynJosh
    Mar 28, 04:54 PM
    What exactly is a 'hater'? Someone that disagrees with the company line? Someone with a dissenting opinion?

    How about someone that has a negative opinion on whatever Apple does. You don't have to look far in any thread. They're the ones that are usually whining about something and often are threatening to switch brands over imagined minor rumors.

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  • twoodcc
    May 15, 12:32 AM
    Been offline for a day cuz of power and then router trouble. but everything is back running on an older linksys router that I had. It should be trouble free. the other one was a wireless router and it would stop working sometimes for no apparent reason.

    glad you are back up. i just lost another bigadv unit with my home built rig - it was doing good, then crashed again. not sure why. but i lowered it to 3.599 ghz, and changed some power settings. we'll see how it does overnight

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  • yellow
    Jan 15, 04:59 PM
    Hee-hee.. I was just watching the MBA guided tour on the Apple site and they made sure to tell you that it ships with Mac OS X Leopard and iLife 08.

    First thought.. I would NOT want to be trying to make movies or DVDs on that thing.

    Second thought.. I sure hope that I'd be smart enough to order a SuperDrive with it so I can reinstall the OS or burn those DVDs. :)

    They should really just jack the price up $100 and make you opt out of getting one with the unit during the config process.

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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 26, 04:30 AM
    Woah at the end of that video why was she twitching really violently? She was flipping out, looks freaky :eek:

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  • zeemeerman2
    May 3, 03:44 PM
    But anyways, I don't think anyone would choose an OS just for one reason alone. Some might, of course.
    Lots of people have been choosing the iphone over Android for years when iOS lacked tethering, for example.

    But of course, I chose my OS (and smartphone) for only 1 reason.
    I wanted to tether the EDGE/HSDPA signal to my MacBook, and only iOS and Android did that. My carrier allows me to jailbreak, root, tether, whatever you like, for no additional costs.

    Since then I just wanted the cheapest phone with that functionality from a well-known brand so I didn't end with junk, I came up with the HTC Wildfire (250 euros).
    The iPhone was just too expensive at 700+ euros unlocked.

    My Wildfire + Mobile Vikings ( (Belgium preferred) = Epic combo! And I'm not bound to a contract, as with many other providers.
    That, and my iPod Touch 2G for multimedia, since it's more powerful than the Wildfire hands down. (And I can still tether the internet to my iPod if I wanted to...)

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  • prady16
    Sep 12, 08:13 AM
    Maybe.. but theres always tomorrow for more hardware announcements :D

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  • Moyank24
    Apr 15, 03:18 PM
    Gay suffrage? Wow i never knew gays were denied the right to vote! :eek:


    I'm not sure how many gay threads this forum can take in 1 day.

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  • SilentPanda
    Apr 21, 11:53 AM
    You were asking for that.

    It's a test of a feature. I do agree that you should be able to revert to a no vote. Mostly I was explaining that you really aren't moving the post vote by 2.

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  • Reverend Wally
    Nov 16, 01:03 PM
    Consider that Apple, Intel, and AMD are IT developers and always expanding and inventing new pathways. AMD is not asleep, and neither is Intel, and frankly, Apple, being the Rolls Royce of computers would not impose limits on their capabilities. Maybe we will not see an AMD Apple real soon, but these people are on the leading edge, and I cannot imagine that the engineers do not think in this direction. IF Apple does go that way it will be for a very good and valid reason.


    Meanwhile, let's enjoy our Rolls Royce type computers without trying to turn them into Lamborghinis


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  • nim81
    Mar 13, 04:46 AM
    While Symbian might have been first, I was talking strictly about iOS vs Android as that was what the poster hinted at.

    Backgrounding certain tasks is fine, and yes it works well even though it's not a replacement for multi-tasking. What I hate is the task manager they came up with that is near useless since it doesn't actually give you a list of running tasks. It's a list of everything you've done with the phone, in like ever. You need to manually clean it up and even then, you don't know what is and isn't running.

    I wasn't talking about design and updates. More like the marketing effort and the stagnation between said spec bumps. They marketed the crap out of the Rev A, then it just fell out of sight. Same for AppleTV 1st generation.

    But thanks for assuming and correcting me on something I didn't mention or hint at. Real classy.
    Honestly I think Apple got the multitasking almost spot on... the way it manages it is perfect for a device with limited battery/processing power.

    In the last 6 months I've "fixed" two phones for people (1x Android, 1 x Symbian) who've installed an app that's running constantly in the background and making the phone unusable to the point they thought it was broken. I used to find it with my own Nokia N95, the multitasking ability was excellent but you had to be careful what you left running or the battery could run down in a few hours.

    I think Apple have made an excellent trade-off in that way, it used to bug the hell out of me that I couldn't use sat nav or internet radio apps in the background, but since iOS 4 I've really not found any situation where I need "true" multitasking and the current implementation has little effect on the battery.

    That said, I agree with what you say about the task manager, it feels really clunky. I don't know what would be the best way to change it, but I'm sure there has to be something better.

    Going back to what the OP is saying, no Apple is of course not unique in innovating, to suggest so is just blinkered. Taking the point of the multitasking or even copy and paste, I'm pretty sure that if other mobile OSs weren't doing this, Apple would have been happy to sit back and say sorry, you just can't do that. They can be quite an arrogant company like that.

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  • Huntn
    Mar 4, 05:29 PM
    Yes, I absolutely really think so. The problem is that if (as I suspect) you only get your news from left-leaning organizations you're only getting half of the truth. Based on what I see, it's still the right that is more energized, it's still the right that is excited to vote in 2012, because deep down everyone realizes that these protesters are protesting for petty reasons. They don't care about the kids, the schools, the state, the budget, the economy... they just don't want THEIRS to be taken away.

    JC, would you call it "petty" to be fighting for your livelihood? BTW, you've just described 95% of the human race.

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  • Willis
    Jan 8, 11:08 AM
    I believe with QT Pro, you can save files such as those. Actually... might try it now lol

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  • dacreativeguy
    Apr 15, 03:55 PM
    The contours of the back are very angular. You can actually see the "plane" lines. By comparison, the iPad planes flow together and the back is more rounded. Since Apple has had this type of shape since the first MacBook Air, and most recently with the iPad, I doubt that they'd go to something as angular as this.

    Looks like a student model shop project, and then they used photoshop to add the graphics.

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  • MykullMyerz
    Mar 17, 09:02 AM
    Bull. I had a girlfriend in high school get fired from OfficeMax for being $100 off where she had been working for almost a year. Unfortunately some guy came in that day, paid for two computers and a printer with $100 bills (total was something like $2500, as this was the late 90's). She counted it twice, but apparently one was missed. Corporate policy stated that she could only be off by less than $5 at the end of her shift.

    She didn't pocket the money and her manager knew that she didn't, but she still lost her job. Company policy.

    Would I like to get an iPad for half price? Absolutely, but ONLY if it was because the company was selling it for half price. I pay what I am supposed to pay.

    Well, in that case, I think your girlfriend's manager and her employer were being a-holes. I've had several friends who have had jobs as cashiers at a plethora of different retail outlets, and 80% of them have made the unfortunate mistake of coming up short on their register. Not one of them ever got fired. The worst that happened was a friend was suspended without pay for a week while they investigated the incident, but when they found no evidence of malicious intent, they closed the case and brought him back on board. But, I guess it depends on the company.

    Apr 15, 09:39 PM
    If competition results in innovation, why has the Windows PC not evolved into something better. Lord knows that arena is packed with competition.

    The downward pressure on prices actually inhibits innovation. R & D is the first thing to go when the pressure gets high. The focus becomes, "How can we make this cheaper?" Let that go on for a couple decades and you get such poorly made PCs that they are disposable.

    The market doesn't need the PC to evolve anymore. From a hardware perspective, most people could use hardware made 5 years ago to do the simple applications they use.

    On the other hand, PC software has evolved where there has been a need and competition drives it.

    Building things cheaper at the sake of cutting costs and innovation doesn't work. The american automobile industry is a living proof of that.

    Mar 18, 12:52 AM
    Blame Apple for the rivalry in the mobile arena.

    They spend a lot of money brainwashing their customers into feeling like their choice in consumer products makes them better than people who use other products.

    In a normal world, no one should give a rat's @ss what kind of phone you're making a phone call on but us non-iphone users had to put up with 2 years of iphone-users' fawining and bull---- about how awesome their phone was.

    Its not surprising to me that there is now blowback as a result of Apple's marketing push.

    They still do it today... look at the recent ipad2 press conference. Didn't the last slide say "2011: year of the copycat?" Which is ridiculous. Every product in the world has multiple manufacturers. TVs, bicycles, cars, toothbrushes, etc.... why should tablets be any different?

    So, the next time someone gives you lip for using an Apple product remember that the money you give to Steve Jobs is helping fund the ill will.

    You don't see Google going around bashing apple for no reason... but maybe because their CEO isn't a complete jerk like Jobs.

    Apr 15, 03:13 PM
    From the article ...

    After passage in the Democratic-controlled Assembly and singing by Gov. Jerry Brown, both of which seem likely, California would become the first state to make curricula include notable gay Americans along with the contributions of women and various ethnic groups.

    Shaun Travers, a San Diego activist, told San Diego 6: "It's very important that we represent all of California and that includes the LGBT community. Our people and our history."

    But opponents said the move would add non-essential material to already-short instruction time.

    Hmmm ... they don't seem to share that same concern when it comes to teaching Creationism in science class. :rolleyes:

    Apr 22, 08:44 AM
    "Thanks" might work in a pure support form. But for news discussion, it makes little sense.


    I think that's the real issue here. It would clearly work in some forums and not others. IMO.

    I started today in the programmers forum. I saw the buttons and assumed (I know!) what they were probably for. I read a posted question and then several answers. One was better (at least for me) than the others and I like the ability to vote for that answer. It could, if further options are added, help others interested in that question to zero in on that answer. Or, just to let the person who gave that answer a "one up" to let them know that their answer was cool.
    This all works for me.

    Now in the other forums where there is much more subjective material? It could be a zoo.

    To add: I think I see a lot of shoot from the hip posts on this. I think we should give the team a chance to see how it works out and what changes they may or may not make.

    Jan 9, 03:07 PM
    I have to say, my heart was broken when I saw the spoiler in the ticker...

    Next time, for safety's sake, just post a blank page that says "Here's where the link will be:" and put the link there once the movie's up. Other than that, totally blank.