(c) Sasha Stim-Fogel |
Back in the U.S.S.A. NDAs enforced in the U.S. usually have a predictable outcome. But once you leave American jurisdiction, the results of enforcement are not as predictable and the costs of enforcement are far more expensive. That increases the odds that your NDA will be breached and that a foreign manufacturer will duplicate molds, copy packaging and send knockoffs out the backdoor and into countries in which you have no intellectual property rights.
Separating the good from the bad. Most foreign manufacturers rely on their credibility and trustworthiness to keep getting new business. So your first goal is to do your homework and try to figure out which ones are reliable and which ones are opportunists. The resources, below, may help you.
Protecting secret stuff only. Keep in mind that a nondisclosure will only protect against the disclosure of confidential information. Once your patent is published, it is no longer confidential. So the only thing your NDA can actually protect is confidential information regarding manufacture, sales and distribution, and know-how needed to produce and distribute the patented item. A noncompete is typically aimed at preventing ex-workers from competing against you and that's not likely to provide much benefit. However, some provisions, in conjunction with your NDA -- for example, an agreement that the manufacturer will not manufacture or distribute your product without your authorization -- can be crafted to deal with your specific situation. A lawyer's assistance may be required. In summary, get an attorney to make sure the agreement provides the best dispute-resolution procedures.
After you've found the best choice. Your lawyer may include provisions that will help you in a foreign deal. Here are some things to consider.
- Jurisdiction. The only way to get a foreignmanufacturer into a U.S. court—unlessthe company does substantialbusiness in the States—is to include aprovision in the NDA that requiresthe manufacturer consent to U.S.jurisdiction. This may prove difficultto negotiate (and to enforce), as foreign manufacturers areoften hesitant about submitting to theU.S. judicial system.
- Choice of law. Every country has laws as to howcontracts are interpreted. You would want the NDA to be interpreted according to U.S. law.
- Arbitration. Arbitration is similar to litigationbut with less formality and expense.You’ll usually benefit byagreeing to have disputes arbitrated.Hopefully, the manufacturer will agreeto arbitrate the matter in the UnitedStates. If not, there are three popular(though expensive) spots for international arbitration: London (theLondon Court of International Arbitration),Paris (the International Courtof Arbitration of the InternationalChamber of Commerce), and Stockholm(the Arbitration Institute of theStockholm Chamber of Commerce).Also, if possible, your agreementshould award attorneys’ fees to thevictor in the arbitration.
- U.S. Department of Commerce(DOC) and theU.S. Small Business Administration(SBA) are interestedin helping the sales of U.S. goodsoverseas. If an inventor has a trackrecord and the possibility of actuallyplacing a product in the market (oralready has a product and is seekingto market it overseas), the DOC andSBA offer assistance.
- Check outthe Department of Commerce site atthe International Trade Association(ITA) or the DOC’sexport information.
- National Trade Data Bank has the mostextensive and detailed statisticalinformation on trade in specificproducts and countries. It is not free,but you can enroll for a free guestsubscription and try it out.
- The Federation of International TradeAssociations (FITA) has a website with many links,leads, and statistics that can behelpful for international businesses.