alfabet in graffiti

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  • Graffiti alphabet kashone.

  • humdesi
    11-06 11:09 AM
    So barring a once in 5 year trip/mail to consulate, there are no issues with PIO.

    There is an issue. You have to make a trip to the local police station every six months to register your child. If you're lucky, the officials will be polite and helpful and do this without fuss. But knowing India very well, they're more likely to create a fuss till you've bribed them. Also, now they know where your child lives and the fact that he/she is a US citizen. Who knows, what kind of people they will pass on this information to...

    Conspiracy theories aside, the whole procedure reeks of the way sex offenders have to register with the police in the US - I just don't like it.

    wallpaper Graffiti alphabet kashone. alfabet in graffiti. Digital 3D Graffiti Alphabet
  • Digital 3D Graffiti Alphabet

  • centrum
    09-27 04:36 PM
    Important Visa and Immigration Documents (

    Is the statement under passport true? I still shouldn't have any problem right?

    alfabet in graffiti. bubble alphabet,graffiti
  • bubble alphabet,graffiti

  • saimrathi
    07-10 03:17 PM
    So USCIS will never see the flowers becoz they are boxed.. and they will never get delivered becoz they are being routed from the airport itself. No major news media covered the few deliveries at USCIS.. What was the point of the campaign again?

    For those of you who is interested in one line Q/A

    "Is the flower campaign working? Yes"

    "Are we good enough with what we have done? Not 100%"

    What happened

    We were at the loading dock by 10 30 am ( Delivery estimate was between 11 am and 1 pm) and DHL appeared to
    have already delivered around 50 boxes once around 9 am. All the flowers we sent are boxed . The visuals will
    be boxes and not flowers in the evening when the youtube video will be uploaded. UPS delivered nex. We got the
    video of the whole delivery and so did the CNN-IBN/Voice of America folks. There were around 30 boxes or so from
    UPS. Next Fedex delivered and there were around 10-15 boxes coming out. While we were doing the recording one of the
    officers politely told us not to capture federal buildings and we told them that we were only capturing the delivery of
    flowers. After this what ever truck was coming in, they were reversing and pushing back into the dock so that the
    delivery cannot be taped. CNN-IBN reporter asked for permission to go inside the loading dock and she was promptly
    denied any permission. Then We had a down pour for almost 20-30 minutes and we had to leave the place.
    It appears that the S&H dept now knows that most of the flowers are being delivered by DHL/UPS/FEDEX, they are taking
    care of the diversion at National airport it self.

    In the future if any one wants to do a flower campaign, Please select 2 local florists
    (only two florists, in that particular city) and have people call and place orders/online. That way
    we can talk with 2 florists and track their delivery easily for picture/video. Every one who tried to call
    FTD/proflowers had alot of trouble getting any thing out of them. Actually, we cant blame them because they
    are not doing it locally,instead they are putting their orders via national carriers.

    Where do we go from here

    If people really want to go out and get the main stream media attention, DC is the perfect choice. How ever,Don't plan on a weekend. If we do it right, we could be live on TV and the whole country will ask whats going on, along with the law makers. That will offer a platform for solving the issue at its roots.If you really want to do this, Dont come up with reasons like I dont have time off for a day or I have a project due. I can understand if 1 or 2% of our active members say it, but when 98% of our active members say that I can understand what it is. May be its time we figure out whether we prefer anonymity and pontifical verbatim on the online forum to expressing our concern/disappointment openly. Do not get offended and start flaming me. Just my thoughts.

    2011 Digital 3D Graffiti Alphabet alfabet in graffiti. Graffiti Alphabet,Graffiti
  • Graffiti Alphabet,Graffiti

  • laborfd
    07-23 02:32 PM
    Just to know who signed ur I-485 at NSC

    There is no point in tracking. waste of time. Why in the world u want to do this unfruitful thing. :mad:


    alfabet in graffiti. lt;lt;Alfabeto nasa :: alfabet
  • lt;lt;Alfabeto nasa :: alfabet

  • new_horizon
    03-13 11:03 AM
    Graham is only opposed to the dems passing Healthcare reform through reconcilliation method, which is ramming through Senate with just 51 votes without regard to any republican inputs or support. It's only that the dems are not listening to repubs suggestions on a very important piece of legislation.

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  • stock vector alphabet set

  • devang77
    07-06 09:49 PM
    Interesting Article....

    Washington (CNN) -- We're getting to the point where even good news comes wrapped in bad news.

    Good news: Despite the terrible June job numbers (125,000 jobs lost as the Census finished its work), one sector continues to gain -- manufacturing.

    Factories added 9,000 workers in June, for a total of 136,000 hires since December 2009.

    So that's something, yes?

    Maybe not. Despite millions of unemployed, despite 2 million job losses in manufacturing between the end of 2007 and the end of 2009, factory employers apparently cannot find the workers they need. Here's what the New York Times reported Friday:

    "The problem, the companies say, is a mismatch between the kind of skilled workers needed and the ranks of the unemployed.

    "During the recession, domestic manufacturers appear to have accelerated the long-term move toward greater automation, laying off more of their lowest-skilled workers and replacing them with cheaper labor abroad.

    "Now they are looking to hire people who can operate sophisticated computerized machinery, follow complex blueprints and demonstrate higher math proficiency than was previously required of the typical assembly line worker."

    It may sound like manufacturers are being too fussy. But they face a real problem.

    As manufacturing work gets more taxing, manufacturers are looking at a work force that is actually becoming less literate and less skilled.

    In 2007, ETS -- the people who run the country's standardized tests -- compiled a battery of scores of basic literacy conducted over the previous 15 years and arrived at a startling warning: On present trends, the country's average score on basic literacy tests will drop by 5 percent by 2030 as compared to 1992.

    That's a disturbing headline. Behind the headline is even worse news.

    Not everybody's scores are dropping. In fact, ETS estimates that the percentage of Americans who can read at the very highest levels will actually rise slightly by 2030 as compared to 1992 -- a special national "thank you" to all those parents who read to their kids at bedtime!

    But that small rise at the top is overbalanced by a collapse of literacy at the bottom.

    In 1992, 17 percent of Americans scored at the very lowest literacy level. On present trends, 27 percent of Americans will score at the very lowest level in 2030.

    What's driving the deterioration? An immigration policy that favors the unskilled. Immigrants to Canada and Australia typically arrive with very high skills, including English-language competence. But the United States has taken a different course. Since 2000, the United States has received some 10 million migrants, approximately half of them illegal.

    Migrants to the United States arrive with much less formal schooling than migrants to Canada and Australia and very poor English-language skills. More than 80 percent of Hispanic adult migrants to the United States score below what ETS deems a minimum level of literacy necessary for success in the U.S. labor market.

    Let's put this in concrete terms. Imagine a migrant to the United States. He's hard-working, strong, energetic, determined to get ahead. He speaks almost zero English, and can barely read or write even in Spanish. He completed his last year of formal schooling at age 13 and has been working with his hands ever since.

    He's an impressive, even admirable human being. Maybe he reminds some Americans of their grandfather. And had he arrived in this country in 1920, there would have been many, many jobs for him to do that would have paid him a living wage, enabling him to better himself over time -- backbreaking jobs, but jobs that did not pay too much less than what a fully literate English-speaking worker could earn.

    During the debt-happy 2000s, that same worker might earn a living assembling houses or landscaping hotels and resorts. But with the Great Recession, the bottom has fallen out of his world. And even when the recession ends, we're not going to be building houses like we used to, or spending money on vacations either.

    We may hope that over time the children and grandchildren of America's immigrants of the 1990s and 2000s will do better than their parents and grandparents. For now, the indicators are not good: American-born Hispanics drop out of high school at very high rates.

    Over time, yes, they'll probably catch up -- by the 2060s, they'll probably be doing fine.

    But over the intervening half century, we are going to face a big problem. We talk a lot about retraining workers, but we don't really know how to do it very well -- particularly workers who cannot read fluently. Our schools are not doing a brilliant job training the native-born less advantaged: even now, a half-century into the civil rights era, still one-third of black Americans read at the lowest level of literacy.

    Just as we made bad decisions about physical capital in the 2000s -- overinvesting in houses, underinvesting in airports, roads, trains, and bridges -- so we also made fateful decisions about our human capital: accepting too many unskilled workers from Latin America, too few highly skilled workers from China and India.

    We have been operating a human capital policy for the world of 1910, not 2010. And now the Great Recession is exposing the true costs of this malinvestment in human capital. It has wiped away the jobs that less-skilled immigrants can do, that offered them a livelihood and a future. Who knows when or if such jobs will return? Meanwhile the immigrants fitted for success in the 21st century economy were locating in Canada and Australia.

    Americans do not believe in problems that cannot be quickly or easily solved. They place their faith in education and re-education. They do not like to remember that it took two and three generations for their own families to acquire the skills necessary to succeed in a technological society. They hate to imagine that their country might be less affluent, more unequal, and less globally competitive in the future because of decisions they are making now. Yet all these things are true.

    We cannot predict in advance which skills precisely will be needed by the U.S. economy of a decade hence. Nor should we try, for we'll certainly guess wrong. What we can know is this: Immigrants who arrive with language and math skills, with professional or graduate degrees, will adapt better to whatever the future economy throws at them.

    Even more important, their children are much more likely to find a secure footing in the ultratechnological economy of the mid-21st century. And by reducing the flow of very unskilled foreign workers into the United States, we will tighten labor supply in ways that will induce U.S. employers to recruit, train and retain the less-skilled native born, especially African-Americans -- the group hit hardest by the Great Recession of 2008-2010.

    In the short term, we need policies to fight the recession. We need monetary stimulus, a cheaper dollar, and lower taxes. But none of these policies can fix the skills mismatch that occurs when an advanced industrial economy must find work for people who cannot read very well, and whose children are not reading much better.

    The United States needs a human capital policy that emphasizes skilled immigration and halts unskilled immigration. It needed that policy 15 years ago, but it's not too late to start now.

    The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of David Frum.

    Why good jobs are going unfilled - (


    alfabet in graffiti. Graffiti Alphabet
  • Graffiti Alphabet

  • waitingmygc
    10-23 08:46 PM
    One correction in wandmaker above response, if it helps

    B.Sc (3 years) + MCA (3years) = US Masters or Even M.E

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  • graffiti kaligrafi font

  • anurakt
    12-27 09:31 AM
    Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to give an update of the tri state meeting on 12/24 happened last sunday. Eight to Nine members attended this meeting and folliwing were the discussions points :

    Pappu gave us an update and insight in to IV's working and what is going on. This changed lot of members thinking about IV , i.e. members learnt on how much political capital the core and IV has gained in the past 1 year. How without much money and only with grass root operation we have acheived so much . Also Pappu gave us na update on where is everyhting currently. I cannot give those details for obvuious reasons , but the members present at the meeting know what I am talking about. We further discussed that how important it has become that instead of just concentrating in DC , we need to energize ousrselved in each and every state. This is very important as we have time only till Aug 2007 to acheive whatever we can, after which the presidential campaign would take over everyhting.

    Members were informed about on how the contribution has been used currently %ge wise. Also at the meeting it was dicussed that the whole face of the IV looks very Indian ad other ethinic communities who too are retrogressed are not involved. Thus it was urged to those members especially from other ethinic communities to please come forward and get more faces in,this would make IV a complete representation of the current retrogression.

    Also in the dicussions we told members that we need to be riding on our own identitiy and should not mix our goals with illegals. Anytime we talk about IV we should maintain phrases like "High Skilled Legal Immigrants" "paying taxes" etc etc. This is very importnant for meet the lawmakers program , as this will create our own identiity and political capital.

    Meet the lawmakers is a very important program and members are urged to please participate in numbers as much as possible, there may be a chance that people from a particular state may have to show up in hundreds near some senators office who may be very important for our goals. Please do not ask the names , if interested please join state chapeter meeting and if you don't have one, please start one and ask a core to join you.

    The JOB of IV is just not CIR, CIR would be the first win and there are more fights after CIR. IV wants to be the face of any legal immigrant issue resolution in this country and wants to make sure that the political capital and efforts we created doesn't go wasted after retrogression is finished.... We want tobe an organization which can be effective in country and help all those who are or who may be facing similar situation in coming years. The job won't finish with CIR, IV may need to work further on things like USCIS inefficiencies... FBI name check and other issues. To accomplish all this we need to be bigger stronger and grsass root level organization.

    I urge members from other state to please keep contributing and attend state chapter meeting.... Friends beleive me when you meet in the chapter meeting , the kind of updates you get is 1000 times more than what you see on the online forum.

    I would also request other members who attended this meeting to please write there post meeting views.

    Last but not the least , I would like to thank every member who participated to make it a sucesses and other members who could not participate due to personal issues, I am sure they will make it next time (Please get up early :) :) )


    alfabet in graffiti. And the graffiti murals still
  • And the graffiti murals still

  • slowwin
    04-16 09:30 AM
    For whatever reason, your record is tainted. This will also comeback to bite you later (AOS ). my suggestion is to get a legal opinion from a lawyer who practices both criminal and immigration law.

    I entered US in 2001 on H1B and have not left the country since then. Unfortunately within few months of coming to US, I had a fight with my wife and was charged of domestic violence. This charge was later reduced and I was convicted of a simple battery.
    Now if I travel overseas and come back on AP (I intend to use my approved AP instead of going for H1B stamping), can I be denied entry to US at port of entry because of my criminal charge?
    Anyone in the same situation or know someone in this situation? Was there any issue in there re entry into US?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    hair Graffiti Alphabet,Graffiti alfabet in graffiti. Graffiti Alfabet - Part 1
  • Graffiti Alfabet - Part 1

  • puskeygadha
    06-02 09:22 PM
    somehow they have to talk to DOL

    but one out of many attorneys may have screwed up..why is everyone
    being audited???


    alfabet in graffiti. Graffiti Alfabet - Part 2
  • Graffiti Alfabet - Part 2

  • pal351
    05-05 04:34 PM
    You will get your GC before your AP and EAD for sure. You missed the 2 year EAD and AP man. ;)

    You mean , if we renew our EAD will they will give for 2 Years?? confused..


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  • letras do alfabeto em graffiti

  • GCSOON-Ihope
    01-19 05:58 PM
    To say the least, this is a very strange way of saying that...they just mailed you your Approval Notice! This is just my understanding.
    Anyway, you should get something in the mail very soon: let us now what it is!


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  • graffiti kaligrafi font

  • Lisap
    09-12 05:27 PM
    same situation...

    sent to USCIS Texas on June 29, received on JUly 2nd at 10:25 AM. no receipts and no checks cashed yet. the USCIS receipting notice Texas said that they have finished receipting July 2 appl. what happened to our appl then?
    pls anyone who filed july 2 at texas and with the same info who got their cks cashed and receipts rec, kindly share here. tnx!

    Just hang in there you will have your receipts soon!!

    tattoo stock vector alphabet set alfabet in graffiti. How To Draw Graffiti Alfabet
  • How To Draw Graffiti Alfabet

  • LC2002
    07-10 12:11 PM
    I mailed my EAD renewal (Paper filing) with priority mail on 06/23/08 and was received at TSC on 06/26/08 but check has not been en-cashed yet and obviously no receipt. Any body in similar situation? Wanted to know how long it should take get receipt.


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  • History of Graffiti by Metal Man Ed gt;gt; Graffiti Alphabet | Digital 3D Arrow

  • prasadn
    02-05 11:54 AM

    I have a similar question. I filed for my 485 in June 2007. But, did not file for EAD at that time. However, I filed for my EAD in March 2008 with the new filing fee i.e $340. My EAD is up for renewal (it's valid till Jun 12th...but considering the 3 month wait time, I am plannig to file it around 13th of this month ).

    Since I have already filed with the new fee structure I am hoping I dont have to pay any fees , right? But, I dont see any instructions to that extent. Can any one please point me to the right link or document?


    As per my understanding, since you filed for 485 before August 17, 2007 you have to pay renewal fees for EAD/AP. ONLY if you have filed for 485 after August 17 2007 you don't have to pay renewal fees for EAD/AP.

    What matters here is when you filed your 485. It does not matter when you applied for EAD/AP as these are based on your 485.

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  • Graffiti Alphabet Letters

  • arnab221
    05-22 05:01 PM
    Yeah !! now they have a new argument to restore the multimillion dollar tax payer funded bonuses .These companies are not even ashamed that they are running on money from the American tax payers without which many would have had to sell their buildings now .

    These super brains used their intellect for all the wrong reasons when they created the famous Collateral Debt Obligations ( CDO ) that even Alan Greenspan said he could not understand . These guys then loaned money all over the globe , without taking into account any risk factors . With little Government oversight in the US financial industry these people were ultimately responsible for the well being of world financial health .A little caution and responsible behavior from these people would have saved us from the catastrophical global recession that we are now . But nooo , they loaned money as if there was no tomorrow and got millions in bonuses for selling loans and securities to unsuspecting investors and the whole world is now bearing the brunt of their greed with more than half a million layoffs every month in US alone.

    These people are ultimately responsible for the mess which the whole world is in and now their CEO's are saying that they need to retained with bonuses or we will see a Brain Drain .
    If terror is the name of causing havoc and utter chaos which causes people to suffer in any area then the only name that I can think of calling these people is "Financial Terrorists" .


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  • Tantra
    07-12 05:39 PM

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  • alfabet graffiti

  • sanju
    11-09 01:30 PM
    And is Bush the Hanuman?
    And McCain the Narad Muni?
    And Palin the Surpanakha?

    Who is Akbar?


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  • 11 graffiti quot

  • saint_2010
    08-10 12:11 PM
    concentrate on IV Rally instead....guys..
    Who has gained any solace from Calling USCIS....
    the tier 1 2, or 3 or Tier N at USCIS know nothing......


    08-17 03:58 PM
    Unfortunately, So close, but so far.

    based on this URL
    it appears you might have missed the boat.

    This exact same thing happened to my package sent via USPS, I sent overnight and it still took 2 days to finally get in a person's hand, it was still on time to not have any negative consequences, but lesson learned, don't rely on USPS/UPS and don't wait till end, atleast have 5 days for mail delievery. I had nasty chat with my attorney to send my papers before he was planning to send, I am even planning to report to 'statewide bar association'. Lawyers knows ( or must know ) the importance of timely filling and its effect on families and their lives.

    Hope things go fine and they do accept the application.

    Cases filed by overnight courier

    On the other hand for cases that has to be filed by overnight courier that is by the USPS Express Mail the center will only pick up mails from the U.S Postal Service once a day and in the morning. Therefore any mail that is not picked up in the morning will be picked only the following day and is given a next day receipt date.

    Note: The package will be delivered to the Service Center P.O.Box even if the mailer is addressed to include the street address for the Service Enter with or without the P.O Box and this confirmed by the U.S Postal Service.

    07-31 06:47 PM
    i see dead applications.....