Wild West Redux

Incitement? Sarah Palin's 'target list' of Democrats she wanted to see removed in the November mid-term elections - including Gabrielle Giffords

Sarah Palin website "Target List" of Democrats designated for removal in November 2010 mid-term elections, with cross-hairs specifying target locations; taken down on 9 January 2011 after the shooting of Arizona Democratic congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (whose name appears fourth from top, left column of list): photo by Splash News, via Daily Mail, 10 January 2011

Poster girl for the gun debate: Sarah Palin buys a gun at a shop in Wasilla, Alaska, in a scene from her reality show, Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin buys a gun at a shop in Wasilla, Alaska, in a scene from her reality show, Sarah Palin's Alaska: photo by Scope Features, via Daily Mail, 10 January 2011

Staring down the barrel: Mrs Palin aims a gun in the direction of a camera in another scene from her show

Sarah Palin aims a gun in the direction of a camera in another scene from her reality show: photo by Splash News, via Daily Mail, 10 January 2011

Beyond politics: Today Mrs Palin used her Facebook page to post her 'sincere condolences' to the victims of the shooting

Posting "on the tragedy in Arizona" on Sarah Palin's Facebook page, 9 January 2011
: photo by Splash News, via Daily Mail, 10 January 2010

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin addresses the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division during their deployment ceremony Sept. 11, 2008. Gov. Palins' son is one of the Soldiers deploying.

Sarah Palin addresses 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team prior to their deployment, 11 September 2008: photo by Kelly, 2008 (via World Photos, 10 January 2008)