There are two types of people in this world: those who look good in glasses and those who don't, 20/20 vision notwithstanding. Unfortunately, I fall into the latter category. I've worn them since third grade, but never really considered them an accessory — that's just the sort of thing you overlook when you're almost legally blind and have to do everyone's math homework and still end up sitting by yourself at lunch, reading A Separate Peace
Nevertheless, the genius of this ensemble lies in the details: the dark nail color, leather elbow patches (be still my heart!), and the black frames. The glasses tie everything together perfectly, but at the same time, the effect doesn't look at all contrived. It reads more edgy and intellectual than librarian, and gives her so much of the attitude that I never had in third grade. Tell me, are you super-cute in glasses or, like me, do you just slip them on before bed? (And if you don't wear glasses, you can take this time to count your blessings).
[photo cred to Elle Russia via charlie & marie]