This weekend was chock full of stories — an article on a professional (and dear, eighty-seven year old) cupcake decorator, une histoire for French about how I once hit myself in the face with a tennis racquet and chipped my front tooth, and a spin on a fairytale. I've only written the fairytale in my head, but my goal is to make the old woman from the Brothers Grimm's Hansel & Gretel seem like a sympathetic character. Wouldn't you be a little irked if some kids came around and tried to eat your house? Especially if it looked something like this beautiful castle. Since I'm in the mood for a fairytale, it seems only natural that I can't look away from these elegant and sumptuous images: the frothy dress, ice blue lake, girlish peep-toes.
In other news, Sara in Le Petit Village so kindly gave me The Irresistibly Sweet Blog award! I've been blushing for about twenty minutes now. And, as my senior superlative, my sorority named me "Most likely to ask for Brie and Veuve Clicquot at a gas station." Then again, can anyone ever resist some cheese and champagne?
[photo cred to Periculosus Rabidus via We Heart It and the Cherry Blossom Girl]