Coming Soon: On The Nate Berkus Show

If you follow me on Facebook, you'll know that we weren't in New York just for some fun and games. We had some business to take care of... with Nate... as in this Nate:

*sigh*. Yes, HandyMan and I got to spend some up close and personal time with Nate Berkus! A few weeks back, I was contacted about appearing on The Nate Berkus Show and I'll tell you, his baby blue eyes and wide smile are just as entrancing in person :)

Nate has featured the homes of some fabulous bloggers like Stefanie, Joi, Rebekah, Janell, and Michelle and I was incredibly honored to be asked too. They wanted me to appear on a segment called House Proud where viewers get to show off their homes. They sent us a flip video camera and we went to town, filming our kitchen, bathroom, Chloe's room, office, and master bedroom. Best to give them too much footage and let them decide what to keep, right?

I'm not comfortable on camera so had to practice, practice, and practice a lot over the last two weeks! {Thanks HandyMan for being director & camera man!} I even whipped up this tutorial on how to make panelling because the plan was for me to do a DIY on stage with Nate and show how it was done. Me + Nate + MDF + carpenter's glue + nail gun = recipe for disaster on national television, don't you think? At least that's what kept running through my head!!

As soon as I sent off the footage and some before & after photos, I got the call... would I be interested in flying down and filming the segment on January 12th? And that's how HandyMan & I landed in New York for the past few days, enjoying our brief brush with fame! I'll be doing another post on how the shooting went and more about our adventures in New York, but for now - set your PVR's for January 26th and see how it all turned out :)