Cat's Eye


File:NGC6543 concentric rings cropped.jpg

Concentric rings in the planetary nebula NGC 6543 (Cat's Eye Nebula): Hubble Space telescope image by ESA, NASA, HEIC and The Hubble Heritage Team STScI/AURA, 2004 (NASA)

what is that bright constellation
seen in the western sky
tonight, brilliant in virginal late
cold deep cobalt above bay's
twinkling distant lights, the red
blinking signal of Coit Tower

infinite specific difference within
infinite overall sameness, as vision
present within its absence, the vivid
diatomic or bioluminescent
living phosphorescence
in the cat gods' eyes

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Domestic cat: photo by Foglia8519, 2010

File:Two eyes cat.jpg

White kitten with heterochromatic eyes
: photo by Fabian Bolliger, 2005

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Closeup of a cat's eye: photo by Zakabog, 2005