My lovelies, what are your plans for the weekend? Last night I went to the preview of the
Martha Stewart Craft Fair and it was a-maz-ing. The fair is today from
12 to 6, so if you live in New York, I'd highly recommend scooting over there! Today our good friend Peter is visiting from England, and hopefully we'll play Taboo (I'm newly obsessed:). Have a fun weekend, my darlings, and here are a few fun posts from around the web...
Easy breezy
guy's look +
girl's look.
I'd kill for this
office view!
Man, what a
Anna Bond's great
gift guide.
this scarf.
A brilliant
birthday present for a husband.
this should exist.
Wren made a pretty
dress for Target.
And Nie Nie made a
sweet calendar.(And next week, I'll have
gift guides for sisters, friends, dads, and babies. Excited to share!)
Have a good one. xoxo
(Photo by