Finally - finally! - we are starting on the nursery/guest bedroom this weekend. And not a moment too soon (clock is ticking 75 days and counting!). Today, my brother and dad helped HandyMan clear out the room and here's where we were at 11am.
I know, not much to look at. It was a flurry of bookcases, bed linens, file cabinets, papers, shoes, clothes, rugs, dressers, baseboards, and dust bunnies (!) coming out of the room this morning.
By the end of the day, HandyMan had patched the hole in the floor (we had used some floorboards for the living room), patched the walls, and sprayfoamed some creepy crevices. If HandyMan can finish off some "work" work he has to do, we may get to painting the walls tomorrow (and by we I mean HandyMan because baby + paint fumes don't mix ;) )